When recreating, take care of our natural areas
so that future generations can enjoy them, too.
The Columbia River Gorge is a unique landscape with a fragile ecosystem. More than 3 million people visit the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area annually. As it becomes increasingly popular, we all have an obligation to help ensure that future visitors to the Columbia River Gorge can experience the same scenic beauty and world-class trails that we’re able to enjoy today.
Be respectful of others.
- Always acquire proper permits and passes, and pay the required recreation fees. Go here to learn more about fees.
- When on narrow trails, step aside to allow other hikers to pass.
- Consider bicycling or taking a shuttle to the trailhead to reduce congestion on the roads and fossil fuel emissions. Go here for a list of public transit options.

Take care of natural areas.
- Stop the spread of invasive species by using a boot brush, available at many trailheads.
- Protect nature by staying on official trails.
- Enjoy what you find, but leave objects of natural beauty behind.
- Pack out what you pack in, including all food waste.
- Do not harvest forest products in the National Scenic Area.
- If hunting or fishing, obtain a state license.
- Be extremely cautious during wildfire season and adhere to burn bans. It’s much drier than it looks. Any spark can create a wildfire.